Hackenesch, Christine

PD Dr. habil. Christine Hackenesch
Inter- and Transnational Cooperation
Project Lead & Senior Researcher
Political Science
Work areas
- EU-Africa relations
- China-Africa relations
- Political regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa
- EU support for democracy, human rights and good governance
- EU external relations, focus on EU development policy
Regional expertise
Regional coordinator Africa
- Africa (Sub-Saharan)
- East Asia (China)
Since 2023 | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Senior lecturer („Privatdozentin“) |
2023 | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Habilitation („venia legendi“ in Political Science) |
Since 2/2023 | German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) Senior Researcher, Research Department "Inter- and transnational cooperation" |
7/2021-1/2023 | Parental Leave |
6/2019-6/2021 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Head of Programme, Research Programme "Inter- and transnational cooperation" |
1/2018-6/2019 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher, Research Programme "Inter- and transnational cooperation" |
since 10/2019 | University of Bonn Lecturerer |
since 4/2019 | University of Mainz Lecturerer |
6/2008-12/2017 | German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Senior Researcher, Department „Bi- und Multilateral Development Cooperation“ |
Summer Semester 2017 | University of Bayreuth Visiting Assistant Professor of African Politics and Development Policy |
2010 - 2014 | Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies PhD candidate, dissertation: The EU and China in Africa authoritarian regimes. The politics of cooperating on governance reforms in the 21st century. |
2002 - 2008 | Free University of Berlin and Sciences Po Paris Franco-German Double Diploma Programme Diplom in Political Science Research Master, comparative regional politics, specialty Asia |
Member of
- Member of the advisory council on development policy (Beirat Entwicklungszusammenarbeit) of the Senate of Berlin
Refereed Publications
- Bergmann, Julian / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch (2024)
Blackmailing and identity profiling? The behaviour of populist radical right governments in EU development policy
in: Politics and Governance 12, article 8180 - Burni, Aline / Daniel Stockemer / Christine Hackenesch (2023)
Contagious politics and COVID-19: Does the infectious disease hit populist supporters harder?
in: Contemporary Politics 29 (4), 466-491 - Hackenesch, Christine (2022)
Contested and politicised? Recent trends in policy and research on European development policy
in: Graziano, Paolo and Jale Tosun (eds.). Elgar Encyclopedia of European Union Public Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar - Hackenesch, Christine / Svea Koch / Sebastian Ziaja (2022)
Beyond rich and poor: identifying global development constellations
in: Development Policy Review 40 (6), article e12628 - Hackenesch, Christine / Maximilian Högl / Hannes Öhler / Aline Burni (2022)
Populist radical right parties' impact on european foreign aid spending
in: Journal of Common Market Studies 60 (5), 1391-1415 - Burni, Aline / Benedikt Erforth / Ina Friesen / Christine Hackenesch / Maximilian Hoegl / Niels Keijzer (2021)
Who called Team Europe? The European Union’s development policy response during the first wave of COVID-19
in: The European Journal of Development Research 34, 524-539 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julian Bergmann / Jan Orbie (eds.) (2021)
The politicisation of European development policies
in: Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 59(1), special issue - Hackenesch, Christine / Julian Bergmann / Jan Orbie (2021)
Development policy under fire? The politicization of European external relations
in: Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 59 (1), 3-19 - Bergmann, Julian / Christine Hackenesch / Daniel Stockemer (2021)
Populist radical right parties in Europe: what impact do they have on development policy?
in: Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (1), 37-52 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Bader (2020)
The struggle for minds and influence: the Chinese communist party’s global outreach
in: International Studies Quarterly, 64 (3), 723–733 - Bader, Julia / Christine Hackenesch (2020)
Networking with Chinese characteristics: China’s party-to-party relations in Asia
in: Marianne Kneuer / Thomas Demmelhuber (eds.), Authoritarian gravity centres: a cross-regional study of authoritarian promotion and diffusion, New York: Routledge, 225-248 - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2019)
China and Rwanda – natural allies or uneasy partners in regime stability
in: Christof Hartmann / Nele Noesselt (eds.), China’s new role in African politics: from non-intervention towards stabilization?, London: Routledge, 164-179 - Hackenesch, Christine (2019)
Aid, political conditionality, and other international efforts to support democracy in Africa
in: Nic Cheeseman (ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press - Hackenesch, Christine (2018)
The EU and China in African authoritarian regimes: domestic politics and governance reforms (open access)
Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2017)
The EU-South Africa strategic partnership: waning affection, persisting economic interests
in: South African Journal of International Affairs (forthcoming) - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2016)
China in Africa: what challenges for a reforming EU development policy? Illustrations from country cases
published on Development Policy Review (online first) DOI: 10.1111/dpr.12195 - Hackenesch, Christine
It’s domestic politics, stupid! EU democracy promotion strategies meet African dominant party regimes
in: World Development 75/2015 (Special Issue: Political Conditionality and EU Foreign Aid), 85–96 - Hackenesch, Christine (2015)
Not as bad as it seems? EU and US democracy promotion strategies faces China in Africa
published on Democratization 18 March 2015 - Börzel, Tanja A. / Christine Hackenesch (2013)
Small carrots, few sticks: EU good governance promotion in sub-Saharan Africa
in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs 26 (3), 536-555 - Hackenesch, Christine (2013)
Aid donor meets strategic partner? The European Union’s and China’s relations with Ethiopia
in: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 42 (1), 7-36 - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2012)
European engagement with emerging actors in development: forging new partnerships?
in: Stefan Gänzle / Sven Grimm / Davina Makhan (eds.), The European Union and global development: an enlightened superpower in the making? Houndmills: Palgrave MacMillan, 211-228
Non-refereed Publications
- Hackenesch, Christine / Lena Gutheil / Tobias Heidland / Emmanuel Nshakira Rukundo / Rainer Schweickert / Denis M. Tull (2025)
Megatrends and the future of democracy in Africa: how do the youth bulge, urbanization and digitalization shape African politics?
in: Megatrends Afrika Working Paper (16) - Vandeputte, Nathan / Fabienne Bossuyt / Danile Di Mauro / Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Julia Leininger / Evelyn Mantoiu / Stefanio Panebianco / Yassin Said / Christopher Wingens (2024)
Harnessing the democratising potential of the EU’s foreign policy agenda
Mapping and Organizing Research on Dictatorships (M.O.R.D.O.R. project), Report - Hackenesch, Christine / Bader, Julia (2024)
Pragmatic, strategic and wide-reaching: the CCP’s party diplomacy in Africa
in: Megatrends Africa Policy Brief 29 - Vandeputte, Nathan / Fabienne Bossuyt / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch / Evelyn Mantoiu / Danio Di Mauro / Christopher Wingens / Stefania Panebianco / Julia Leininger (2024)
The EU's support to democracy: recognising the democratising potential of the EU's foreign policy agenda
Mapping and Organizing Research on Dictatorships, Policy Brief - Li, Hangwei / Hackenesch, Christine (2024)
FOCAC 2024: moving away from large infrastructure deals towards normative power of China
in: Megatrends Spotlights 38 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.) (2024)
The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership
(Discussion Paper 11/2024) - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (2024)
Introduction to: The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership
in: Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.), The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 1-4 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2024)
Democracy protection: fundamental reforms needed to adjust to the new context
in: Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (eds.), The European Union’s global role in a changing world: challenges and opportunities for the new leadership, Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), 32-35 - Megatrends Afrika (ed.) (2024)
Joint Futures: ideas for Germany’s Africa Policy - Ideen für die deutsche Afrikapolitik
in: Megatrends Working Paper 12 - Hackenesch, Christine / Wolfram Lacher (eds.) (2024)
The Russia-Ukraine war’s shockwaves in Africa: a Zeitenwende for German Africa policy?
in: Megtrends Africa Working Paper 10 - Cissé, Daouda / Karoline Eickhoff / Julia Fath / Christine Hackenesch / Rainer Thiele (2023)
China's footprint in Africa
in: Megatrends Working Paper 05 (June 2023) - Hackenesch, Christine / Maximilian Högl / Gabriela Iacobuta / Hanne Knaepen / John Asafu-Adjaye (2021)
Green transitions in Africa–Europe relations: what role for the European Green Deal?
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group (April 2021) - Leininger, Julia / Christoph Strupat / Yonas Adeto / Abebe Shimeles / Wilson Wasike (2021)
The COVID-19 pandemic and structural transformation in Africa: evidence for action
(Discussion Paper 11/2021) - Hackenesch, Christine / Maximilian Högl / Julian Bergmann / Janina, Sturm / Damien Barchiche / Adolf Kloke-Lesch (2021)
Mind the Gap? Sketching the relevance of the 2030 Agenda for the Green Deal and other key EU policies in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group ( January 2021) - Bergmann, Julian / Ina Friesen / Christine Hackenesch / Julia Leininger (2020)
Friedenspolitische Kohärenz deutscher Afrikapolitik. Eine Analyse anhand der afrikabezogenen Leitlinien und Strategiepapiere der Bundesregierung
Berlin: Beirat der Bundesregierung Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung Studienreihe des Beirats (Studie 1) - Barana, Luca / Daniele Fattibene / Christine Hackenesch / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos / Bernardo Venturi (2020)
A new lifeline for the G20? The role of African and European actors in enhancing its legitimacy and effectiveness
T20 Saudi Arabia, Task Force 5 (The Future of Multilateralism and Global Governance), Policy Brief - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Karina Mross (2020)
What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
(Discussion Paper 14/2020) - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Karina Mross (2020)
What the EU should do for democracy support in Africa: ten proposals for a new strategic initiative in times of polarisation
published on Together towards Sustainability, 12 June 2020 Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung - Bauer, Steffen / Julian Bergmann / Clara Brandi / Mark Furness / Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer / Gabriela Iacobuta / Julia Leininger / Benjamin Schraven et al. (2019)
An agenda for Europe in the world
Brussels: European Think Tanks Group - Bader, Julia / Christine Hackenesch (2019)
China: same, same, but different?
in: APSA Annals of Comparative Democratization 17 (2), 8-11 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2018)
African-European relations
in: Jon Abbink / Victor Adetula / Andreas Mehler / Henning Melber (eds.), Africa Yearbook 2017, Leiden: Brill, 23-36 - Voituriez, Tancrède / Elisabeth Hege / Giulia Maci / Christine Hackenesch (2018)
Steering the EU towards a sustainability transformation
Brüssel: ETTG, Online - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2018)
The next EU budget: the EU should show it means ‘business’ with its commitment to supporting democracy and human rights
published on ettg.eu May 9, 2018 - Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch / Julian Bergmann (2018)
Vom Krisenmanagement zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung: Die europäische Entwicklungspolitik im nächsten EU-Budget
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 6/2018) - Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch / Julian Bergmann (2018)
From damage control to sustainable development: European development policy under the next EU budget
(Briefing Paper 7/2018) - Hackenesch, Christine / Julian Bergmann / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (2018)
EU budget reform: opportunities and challenges for global sustainable development
(Briefing Paper 4/2018) - Hackenesch, Christine / Julian Bergmann / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (2018)
Die Reform des EU-Budgets: Chancen und Herausforderungen für globale nachhaltige Entwicklung
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 3/2018) - Gobbelaar, Neuma / Christine Hackenesch / Adolf Kloke-Lesch / Julia Leininger / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (2017)
G20 and Africa - ready for a steady partnership?
published on G20 Insights May 15, 2017 - Leininger, Julia / Christine Hackenesch (2017)
Die G20 und Afrika: wir brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel
in: Diplomatisches Magazin (forthcoming) - Altenburg, Tilman / Christine Hackenesch / Stephan Klingebiel (2017)
Stabilität durch Entwicklung und Demokratie: eine neue Afrika-Politik für Deutschland und Europa
in: Wolfgang Ischinger / Dirk Messner (Hrsg.), Deutschlands neue Verantwortung: die Zukunft der deutschen und europäischen Außen-, Entwicklungs- und Sicherheitspolitik, Berlin: Econ, 356-359 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2016)
African-European relations
in: Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara 2015 (12), 19-33 - Hackenesch, Christine (2016)
Good governance in EU external relations: what role for development policy in a changing international context?
Straßburg: European Parliament - Henökl, Thomas / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch / Imme Scholz / Clara Brandi / Pieter Pauw (2016)
Revision of the EU consensus on development: towards a new consensus for fair and sustainable global common good policies
Contribution of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) to the EU public consultation on the “UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and revising the European Consensus on Development”, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - Hackenesch, Christine / Clare Castillejo (2016)
The European Union’s Global Strategy: making support for democracy and human rights a key priority
European Think Tanks Group - Hackenesch, Christine / Adolf Kloke-Lesch / Svea Koch / Ingeborg Niestroy / Imme Scholz (2016)
Towards a “Sustainable Development Union”: why the EU must do more to implement the 2030 Agenda
(Briefing Paper 6/2016) - Gavas, Mikaela / Christine Hackenesch / Svea Koch / James Mackie / Simon Maxwell (2016)
The European Union’s global strategy: putting sustainable development at the heart of EU external action
European Think Tanks Group - Keijzer, Niels / Mark Furness / Christine Hackenesch / Svea Koch (2015)
"Towards a new partnership between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific countries after 2020"
Contribution of the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) to the EU public consultation - Keijzer, Niels / Christine Hackenesch
Moving targets
in: D+C Development and Cooperation 42 (3), 34-35 - Keijzer, Niels, Christine Hackenesch (2015)
Neue Herausforderungen, alte Strukturen
in: E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit 56 (3), 34-35 - Furness, Mark / Christine Hackenesch / Niels Keijzer (2014)
The future of the ACP-EU partnership post-2020: options for Germany and the EU
Interne Stellungnahme für das BMZ - Castillejo, Clare / Christine Hackenesch (2014)
The EU and its partners on development: how strategic on the ground?
in: Clare Castillejo (ed.), New donors, new partners? EU strategic partnerships and development ( European Strategic Partnerships Observatory Report 3), 63-72 - Castillejo, Clare / Christine Hackenesch (2014)
The EU and its partners on development: how strategic on the ground?
European Strategic Partnerships Observatory (Policy Brief 13) - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2014)
Chinas Kooperation mit Afrika und Lateinamerika
in: Doris Fischer / Christoph Müller-Hofstede (Hrsg.), Länderbericht China, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 889-914 - Hackenesch, Christine / Heiner Janus (2014)
Emerging economies in the post-2015 negotiations: how their positioning will shape the new agenda
in: Thomas Fues / Jiang Ye (eds.), United Nations Post-2015 Agenda for global development: perspectives from China and Europe, Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), 133-148 - Hackenesch, Christine / Heiner Janus (2013)
Post-2015: how emerging economies shape the relevance of a new agenda
(Briefing Paper 14/2013) - Hackenesch, Christine / Mark Furness (2012)
Strategic partnership: an analysis of cooperation between the European Union and Africa
in: DE Magazin Deutschland 2/2012, 46-47 - Hackenesch, Christine / Mark Furness (2012)
Strategische Partnerschaft: seit 2007 verbindet die EU und Afrika eine strategische Partnerschaft: eine Anlayse
in: DE Magazin Deutschland 2/2012, 46-47 - Hackenesch, Christine (2011)
Competing for development? The European Union and China in Ethiopia
Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch / Center for Chinese Studies (Discussion Paper 3) - Hackenesch, Christine (2011)
European good governance policies meet China in Africa: insights from Angola and Ethiopia
Working Paper EDC2020 10/2011 - Hackenesch, Christine (2009)
China and the EU’s engagement in Africa: setting the stage for cooperation, competition or conflict?
(Discussion Paper 16/2009) - Gänzle, Stefan / Sven Grimm / Christine Hackenesch / Davina Makhan (2009)
Die Europawahlen 2009: welche Rolle hat das Europäische Parlament in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit?
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 5/2009) - Gänzle, Stefan / Sven Grimm / Christine Hackenesch / Davina Makhan (2009)
Elections 2009: what role does global development policy play in the European Parliament?
(Briefing Paper 5/2009)
Opinion Pieces
- Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch (2025)
Attention all democratic parties - the EU redefines its global role!
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 3 February 2025 - Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch (2024)
Could the first political group with a vision please stand up?
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 13 May 2024 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch (2024)
Bringing development policy (back) in the picture
Bonn: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), The Current Column of 29 January 2024 - Tull, Denis M. / Christine Hackenesch (2023)
Megatrends Afrika: Umdenken in der deutschen Afrikapolitik
published on megatrends-afrika.de, 28.11.2023 (Podcast) - Hackenesch, Christine / Denis M. Tull (2023)
Germany’s Africa Policy: Time for an Update
published on megatrends-africa.de, Joint Futures, 25.09.2023 01 - Hackenesch, Christine (2023)
Deutschlands Afrikapolitik: Zeit für ein Update
published on megatrends-afrika.de, Joint Futures, 25.09.2023 - Bergmann, Julian / Christine Hackenesch / Daniel Stockemer (2021)
Populist radical right parties and European development policy: politicising the migration-development nexus?
published on JCMS Blog "Ideas on Europe", 12.01.2021 - Bergmann, Julian / Ina Friesen / Christine Hackenesch / Julia Leininger (2020)
Die friedenspolitische Kohärenz deutscher Afrikapolitik stärken: Anregungen für die Bundesregierung
published on peacelab.blog, 01.12.2020 - Hornidge, Anna-Katharina / Christine Hackenesch (2020)
"Mehr Markt" reicht für Kooperation mit Afrika nicht aus
in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , 22./21.11.2020 - Högl, Maximilian / Christine Hackenesch / Gabriela Iacobuta (2020)
How the European Green Deal should reshape Africa-EU relations
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 28 September 2020 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Julian Bergmann (2020)
Germany’s EU Council Presidency faces a monumental task
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 1 July 2020 - Högl, Maximilian / Christine Hackenesch / Daniel Stockemer (2020)
Why the Corona crisis is particularly difficult for right-wing populist governments
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 15 June 2020 - Hackenesch, Christine (2020)
Globale Partnerschaft: Mit Afrika die Krise überwinden
in: Frankfurter Rundschau, 15.04.2020 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Julia Leininger (2020)
How Africa and Europe can work towards a different type of relationship
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 2 March 2020 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2019)
Why Europa and Africa should discuss about sustainable societal models
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 18 November 2019 - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2019)
Germany’s new responsibility in the EU’s Africa policy post Brexit
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), (The Current Column of 25 February 2019) - Kloke-Lesch, Adolf / Christine Hackenesch / Janina Sturm (2017)
Time to think about 2019 now!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 18 December 2017 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger / Elizabeth Sidiropoulos (2017)
G20 and Africa after the summit: Need for continuity, global voice and vision
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 17 July 2017) - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2017)
Strategische Vision oder kleinster gemeinsamer Nenner? Der neue Konsens für europäische Entwicklungspolitik
Published on: International Development Blog, 06.06.2017 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leiniger (2017)
Outcome of the first T20 conference in Africa
Published on: T20blog, 13.02.2017 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2017)
African Alliances for Sustainable Development
Published on: Africa Alliances Blog, 31.01.2017 - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2017)
The G20 and Africa – an alliance for sustainability?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 30 January 2017) - Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer (2016)
Agenda for sustainable development: what are the EU’s ambitions?
published on Euractiv 7. Dez. 2016 - Hackenesch, Christine / Stephan Klingebiel (2016)
Kooperation mit Afrika – ein strategisches Thema der Kanzlerin!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 10.10.2016) - Hackenesch, Christine / Thomas Henökl / Niels Keijzer (2016)
Now what? European foreign and development policy after Brexit
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne, 27 June 2016) - Grimm, Sven / Christine Hackenesch (2015)
China and Africa: the new normal
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 30 November 2015) - Bracho, Gerardo / Christine Hackenesch / Silke Weinlich (2015)
Addis Ababa: Trying to square the circle, or – how to share responsibilities in an unequal world
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 20 July 2015) - Hackenesch, Christine / Julia Leininger (2015)
The role of development policy in European refugee policy
German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 5 May 2014) - Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch (2014)
The new EU Development Commissioner: from Cutting Ribbons to Influencing Global Development?
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 4 November 2014) - Hackenesch, Christine / Svea Koch (2013)
The Lesson of Lampedusa – Why the EU and Africa Need a Strategic Partnership
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (The Current Column of 28 October 2013)
- Megatrends Africa: Structural transformation and international Zeitenwende
- Between Crisis Management and Global Sustainability Transformation: The Role of the European Union
- Shaping European policy for global sustainable development - ETTG
- Europe’s role in the world: From development policy towards a policy for global sustainable development?
- Role and Efficiency of Development Cooperation for achieving the 2030 Agenda
- German and International Development Cooperation: The Political Economy of Aid Allocation, Future Reform Challenges and Sharpening the Global Agenda
- Transformative Potential of Civil Society Networks on Regional Governance in the SADC Region
- Research and Policy-Making: academic policy advice in South Africa
- EU Development Policy for a World in Transformation
- EU Development Policy to 2020: Meeting Internal and External Challenges
- The Impact of Emerging Power: China-EU cooperation and global governance
- New Actors in International Development
- European Development Cooperation to 2020 (EDC 2020)
- China’s development policy in Africa and consequences for EU development cooperation with Africa
- European Policy for Global Development
E-mail Christine.Hackenesch@idos-research.de
Phone +49 (0)228 94927-254
Fax +49 (0)228 94927-130
Attention all democratic parties - the EU redefines its global role!
Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch (2025)
The Current Column of 3 February 2025
Could the first political group with a vision please stand up?
Koch, Svea / Niels Keijzer / Christine Hackenesch
The Current Column of 13 May 2024
Bringing development policy (back) in the picture
Hackenesch, Christine / Niels Keijzer / Svea Koch
The Current Column of 29 January 2024