Matias, Denise Margaret
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Dr. Denise Margaret Matias
Environmental Governance
Ehemalige Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Die Informationen entsprechen dem Stand zum Zeitpunkt des Ausscheidens
05/2017-02/2019 | Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin |
10/2013-09/2017 | Universität Bonn Doktor der Agrarwissenschaften (Summa cum laude) |
10/2013-04/2017 | Center for Development Research / Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF) Universität Bonn Junior Researcher |
10/2012-10/2015 | TMP Systems / The Munden Project Associate |
08/2012-09/2012 | Conservation International Philippines Research Associate |
09/2011-07/2012 | Central European University Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy |
08/2010-08/2011 | Germanwatch Alexander von Humboldt Foundation International Climate Protection Fellow / Adviser on Climate and Development in Southeast Asia |
03/2010-07/2010 | Handicap International Emergency Response Philippines Project Officer |
04/2008-08/2009 | The Marine Science Institute at the University of the Philippines Diliman Research Assistant |
03/2006-11/2010 | University of the Philippines Diliman Graduate Diploma in Environmental Sciences |
01/2006-12/2006 | Greenpeace Southeast Asia Direct Dialogue Campaigner and Climate Campaign Assistant |
06/2005-10/2005 | Ateneo de Manila University Biology Department Teaching Assistant |
06/2001-03/2005 | Ateneo de Manila University Bachelor of Science in Biology |
Refereed Publications
- Matias, Denise Margaret S. / Justice A. Tambo / Till Stellmacher / Christian Borgemeister / Henrik von Wehrden (2018)
Commercializing traditional non-timber forest products: an integrated value chain analysis of honey from giant honey bees in Palawan, Philippines.
in: Forest Policy and Economics 97 (December), 223-231 - Matias, Denise Margaret S. / Christian Borgemeister / Henrik von Wehrden (2018)
Ecological changes and local knowledge in a giant honey bee (Apis dorsata F.) hunting community in Palawan, Philippines
in: Ambio 47, 924-934 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Till Stellmacher / Christian Borgemeister / Jun G. Cayron / Henrik von Wehrden (2017)
Mapping giant honey bee nests in Palawan, Philippines through a transdisciplinary approach
published on Development in Practice 27 (7), 25 Sep 2017 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Julia Leventon / Anna-Lena Rau / Christian Borgemeister / Henrik von Wehrden (2017)
A review of ecosystem service benefits from wild bees across social contexts
in: Ambio 46 (4), 456-467 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Christian Borgemeister / Henrik von Wehrden (2017)
Thinking beyond Western commercial honeybee hives: towards improved conservation of honey bee diversity
published on Biodiversity and Conservation 15 July 2017 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Cleovi Mosuela (2015)
The role of a priori cross-border migration after extreme climate events: the case of the Philippines after typhoon Haiyan
in: Felicitas Hillmann / Marie Pahl / Birte Rafflenbeul / Harald Sterly (eds.), Environmental change, adaptation and migration: bringing in the region, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 98-116 - Matias, Denise Margaret (2015)
Local adaptation to climate change: a case study among the indigenous Palaw’ans in the Philippines
in: Walter Leal Filho (ed.), Climate change in the Asia-Pacific Region, Berlin: Springer, 173-187 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Jeanne Tabangay (2014)
The role of conservation agreements in disaster risk reduction: the case of Mount Mantalingahan Protected Landscape (MMPL) in the Philippines
in: Radhika Murti / Camille Buyck (eds.), Safe havens: protected areas for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation , Gland: IUCN, 104-115 - Matias, Denise Margaret (2013)
Electric public transport in Puerto Princesa City: enabling factors for institutionalizing low-carbon transport
in: Helen E. Muga / Ken D. Thomas (ed.), Cases on the diffusion and adoption of sustainable development practices, Pennsylvania: IGI-Global, 287-311
Non-refereed Publications
- Matias, Denise Margaret / Raúl Fernández / Marie-Lena Hutfils / Maik Winges (2018)
Armutsorientierte Klimarisikoversicherungen: die Rolle von gemeinschaftsbasierten Organisationen (CBOs)
(Analysen und Stellungnahmen 12/2018) - Matias, Denise Margaret / Raúl Fernández / Marie-Lena Hutfils / Maik Winges (2018)
Pro-poor climate risk insurance: the role of community-based organisations (CBOs)
(Briefing Paper 19/2018) - Kreft, Sönke / Laura Schaefer / Eike Behre / Denise Matias (2017)
Climate risk insurance for resilience: assessing countries' implementation plans
Bonn: United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS Publication Series Report 23) - Matias, Denise Margaret (2017)
Slow onset climate change impacts: global trends and the role of science-policy partnerships
(Discussion Paper 24/2017) - Alforte, Andrea / Denise Matias / Lou Munden / Jennifer Perron (2013)
Financing sustainable agriculture and mitigation: Smallholders and the Landscape Fund
Copenhagen: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), (CCAFS Working Paper 52) - Matias, Denise Margaret (2011)
Low-carbon development in Southeast Asia: energy perspectives for Denpasar, Indonesia and Puerto Princesa, Philippines
Bonn: Germanwatch e.V. (Briefing Paper)
Opinion Pieces
- Matias, Denise (2018)
Financing adaptation and managing risk
Development and Climate Days#DCdays18 - Matias, Denise Margaret / Carmen Richerzhagen (2018)
Die Welt feiert den ersten Weltbienentag
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 22.05.2018) - Manlosa, Aisa / Denise Margaret Matias (2018)
Von Geschlechterparität zur Gleichstellung der Geschlechter: die Lebenswirklichkeit von Frauen verändern!
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 05.03.2018 - Tibig, Lourdes / Denise Margaret Matias (2017)
From super typhoons to sea level rise: fighting the creeping catastrophe of climate change
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), The Current Column of 8 November 2017 - Matias, Denise Margaret S. / Antonio G.M. La Viña (2017)
Pflicht, nicht Wohltätigkeit – ein rechtebasierter Ansatz für den Kampf gegen die Wüstenbildung
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 04.09.2017) - Matias, Denise Margaret S. / Antonio G.M. La Viña (2017)
Mehr Pflicht als Wahl – Flüchtlinge unterstützen in einer globalisierten Welt
Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) (Die aktuelle Kolumne vom 19.06.2017)