Further Website Specials

Further Website Specials

With its website specials, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) highlights its expertise relating to current topics of the international agenda: The specials provide access to aggregated information on publications, events, projects and contact persons at IDOS. In short videos, research staff or guests take a stand on these topics and place them in the global context.

Below, you can find an overview on all the specials we have recently published on our website.

2014 - 2023

Investment Facilitation for Development

Investment Facilitation for Development

Investment facilitation is a hotly debated policy tool for increasing investment flows. For years IDOS has been conducting research on international agreements for investment facilitation and, in particular, their impact on developing countries.

Development Finance at a turning point

Development Finance at a turning point

Confronted with significant financing gaps for implementing the 2030 Agenda and the multiple crises of our time development finance finds itself entangled in a nexus of formidable challenges.

Tomorrow's Development System

Tomorrow's Development System

Researchers at IDOS investigate how shared responsibilities for addressing development can be discussed in multi-actor settings.

Gender equity and development: Embracing an intersectional lens

Gender equity and development: Embracing an intersectional lens

8 March is international Women’s Day! IDOS researchers support gender equality by turning to consciously emancipatory development cooperation and intersectional analyses.

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Impulses for the Bundestag election

Impulses for the Bundestag election

In the run-up and the aftermath to the Bundestag elections, the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) would like to invite to a debate on the understanding of development and the orientation of development policy.

Russia's war against Ukraine

Russia's war against Ukraine

This Special compiles contributions from the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) from different perspectives on the Russian war against Ukraine and its consequences.

Strengthening Global Health

Strengthening Global Health

DIE investigates which factors and interventions are crucial to promote global solidarity and to control the pandemic in the future.

Building knowledge on water governance

Building knowledge on water governance

The global water crisis is a crisis of governance. IDOS researchers analyse water governance problems within multiple political contexts to understand conditions for equitable and ecologically sustainable water access, use, and management.

Ocean regions in inter- and transnational cooperation

Ocean regions in inter- and transnational cooperation

Coral bleaching and garbage patches are among the most popular images that visualise the profound anthropogenic changes that oceans are experiencing. IDOS experts investigate challenges and transformation processes in different regions of the world.

Making Supply Chains Sustainable

Making Supply Chains Sustainable

Supply chain research helps identify opportunities for companies in developing countries. It provides insights into the distribution of income between stages of the value chain. Here you can find IDOS' expertise on the subject.

The concept of the “social contract”

The concept of the “social contract”

The concept of the 'social contract' is increasingly used in academic and journalistic texts when dealing with state-society relations. The IDOS is working on developing the concept further and facilitating its use by researchers and policymakers.

The Corona Virus and international development cooperation

The Corona Virus and international development cooperation

The corona pandemic is becoming the largest global health crisis in decades. In this special, IDOS experts explore the developmental and socioeconomic consequences of the corona crisis pandemic and make proposals for action.

Why it is worth to support and protect democracy worldwide

Why it is worth to support and protect democracy worldwide

Criticism of democracy has become fashionable, citizens feel badly represented, nationalist populists are elected. This special provides answers with findings from democratization research and policy advice with partners worldwide.

Online data visualisations

Online data visualisations

IDOS fosters the digital processing and provision of scientific data. Our online data visualisations illustrate the results of empirical work and opens them up for public use.

Europe’s role in a changing world

Europe’s role in a changing world

Given the current crises of international cooperation, a strong EU foreign policy is important. In cooperation with the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) DIE provides scientific analyses and policy recommendation to develop political strategies.

Impact-oriented accompanying research

Impact-oriented accompanying research

As a partner of many implementing agencies, IDOS conducts impact assessments covering topics such as governance, social protection, taxation, digitalization and agriculture. In our work, we  combine quantitative and qualitative methods.

The Future of World Trade

The Future of World Trade

The world trade system is in a phase of upheaval and uncertainty. Against this background, the trade experts at IDOS analyse the effectiveness, legitimacy and sustainability of the international trading system.

Sustainable economic development in Africa

Sustainable economic development in Africa

Africa's economic development has been at the center of the development agenda for decades, but some global economic conditions are changing rapidly. Research projects of the IDOS examine how specific institutions can contribute to sustainable development and social cohesion in a radically changing global economy.

Food security and agriculture for a world without hunger

Food security and agriculture

This large research and consulting project  analyzes how development cooperation can become more effective and contribute to increased food security in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa.

Reform of the UN Development System

Reform of the UN Development System

The UN Research Projects purpose is to provide high-quality input to the current reform discussions and to bring it in diverse perspectives.

Transformative force of Digitalisation

Transformative force of Digitalisation

The tension between our digital potential and current politics and procedures poses opportunities and challenges to development cooperation. IDOS addresses this tension through innovative, policy-relevant research.

Constellations of State Fragility

Constellations of State Fragility

A more nuanced look at: State Fragility. Our new online research tool allows to distinguish six Constellations of State Fragility – and to analyse data for 171 states and ten indicators in three dimensions.

NDC-SDG Connections

NDC-SDG Connections

With NDC-SDG Connections we aim at illuminating synergies between the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement, and at identifying entry points for coherent policies that promote just, sustainable and climate-smart development.

Green Industrial Policy

Green Industrial Policy

We need to pursue economic development creation while keeping resource consumption and pollution in accordance with Earth’s bio-capacity. This is what Green Industrial Policy is about.

Stabilization and development in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena)


This research and advisory project investigates the causes of domestic change in MENA countries and their consequences for the MENA region and for Germany and Europe.



You can find more information concerning the climate-related research by IDOS and the Institute’s activities during the COP23 here.

NDC Explorer

In 2013, the UNFCCC decided that every member state should formulate its concrete national contribution to address the challenges of climate change, the (I)NDCs. These proved to be a corner stone for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. The online tool explores the NDCs as well as broader debates like SDGs and fossil fuel subsidy reform.

The Trump Doctrine

The Trump Doctrine

What to expect from America’s foreign policy under the next president?

Authors from the IDOS comment on the consequences of Donald Trumps Presidency for German and international politics.

Refugees and displacement


Never in the history of mankind were so many people forced to leave their homesteads. The root causes of flight and displacement often are complex: These comprise of violent conflicts, weak statehood, economic crises or natural disasters and environmental change. Which contribution can development policy make to forestall displacement? How can the negative consequences of displacement be mitigated?

The Nexus Water - Energy - Land - Climate

Water - Energy - Land - Climate

Research at the IDOS inquires which incentives, governance mechanism and policy instruments could reduce negative effects and stimulate win-win solutions. This topic special presents relevant works and activities.

Urbanisation and the New Urban Agenda

Urbanisation and the New Urban Agenda

This web special compiles research of the IDOS on the issue of “urbanisation”.



An ambitious international climate agenda and its resolute implementation are essential for sustainable development in all countries. With a view to prospective international climate policy, IDOS promotes the awareness of interlinkages between climate change and development and investigates specific conditions for a climate-smart and just transformation towards decarbonisation and resilience.

2030 Agenda

2030 Agenda

On 25 September 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations passed a new agenda: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The new agenda follows a universal approach and will apply to developing, emerging and developed countries alike.

Rising Powers

Rising Powers

Rising Powers from the developing world change global and national development paths. In an increasingly interconnected world, states like China, India, Brazil, but also Indonesia, Mexico, South Africa or Vietnam impact on the development prospects of other countries. Beyond the traditional perception as middle-income countries, these rising powers are regionally and globally important actors. Thus, they are crucial elements in political problem-solving in a poly-centric world.

The Great Transformation towards sustainability

The Great Transformation towards sustainability

Global environmental and development challenges can only be managed through a radical transformation towards sustainability. In the course of rapid global urbanization, both the potentials and the challenges of this transformation are increasingly concentrated in cities. Cities will decide whether the transformation will succeed.

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UN Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa

UN Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa

The UN Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa in July 2015 was meant to clear the path for implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda and set the tone for this year’s Paris climate deal. A sound funding base is essential to lend credibility to these agreements. What can the Addis Ababa Accord contribute to paving the way for this unique process of common global responsibility?

50 years

50 years

Global development co-operation increases further in significance with these worldwide economic, political, social and ecological interdependencies.

Climate Protection and Decarbonization

Climate Protection and Decarbonization

The IDOS (former German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) observed the climate negotiations and together with international partners organises several contributions to current debates.

After the Arab Spring:

After the Arab Spring:

Prospects for Democracy and Development in the Middle East and North Africa

In early 2011, a wave of demonstrations and riots swashed across the Arab world, which became soon labeled "the Arab Spring". What prospects for democracy and development in the Middle East and North Africa are there nowadays in the region.

Migration and Sustainable Development

Migration and Sustainable Development

Many headlines revolve around migration related issues like African refugees and their dangerous way to Europe or the challenges in integration or immigration policies. Clearly, migration belongs to the most important issues of our time. The question concerning the linkages between migration and development thereby gains an increasingly prominent role in international development policies.

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The Energy transition

The Energy transition

The energy transformation, i.e. the phasing out of nuclear energy is, at least since the reactor accident in Fukushima about two years ago, on everyone's lips. The German term “Energiewende” originated in the 1980s, today, it became a synonym for a (desired) a broad change in energy policy. There is a public debate how such a sustainable energy supply can be realised. What political, economic and societal requirements have to be met?

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Inequality, social transformation and democracy in Latin America

Inequality, social transformation and democracy in Latin America

Latin America is considered to be the region with the highest degree of inequality. Unequal income and wealth distribution as well as in differences in the access to public goods like education, social insurance and health services are evident. Especially Brazil is characterised by particularly large income disparities.

The United Nations in development

The United Nations in development

Fit for the 2030 Agenda?

The United Nations (UN) are a central actor in multilateral development cooperation and policy. What will be the contribution of the UN to the implementation of the 2030 agenda?

Water and Energy

Water and Energy

Hydropower could help to reduce undersupply and advance the renewable energy mix if it's adverse social and ecological impacts are adequately addressed.

Effective Development Cooperation

Effective Development Cooperation

The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) is an important platform for discussions on the effectiveness towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The GPEDC is re-positioning itself for a more effective implementation of the SDGs.

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Germany's new foreign policy

Germany's new foreign policy

In this special, the IDOS presents its latest work on the role of Germany and Europe in dealing with global challenges that must be overcome in the coming decades.

Results-based Approaches in Development Cooperation

Results-based Approaches in Development Cooperation

Development organisations are increasingly implementing results-based approaches. The aim is to link funding more closely to the achievement of measurable development results. But what is the real benefit of results-based approaches? What do first experiences tell us?



The ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) introduce fresh dynamics into international trade issues.

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Green Finance

Green Finance

How to finance a green transformation? In order to combat climate change we have to change our unsustainable ways of living and restructure our economies in a way that respects the planetary boundaries. A green transformation is needed and requires significant financing.

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Financial and debt crises

Financial and debt crises

For more than four years now, financial and debt crises have been dominating the political agenda in Europe and beyond.

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European Report on Development (ERD)

European Report on Development (ERD)

The European Report on Development (ERD) is an independent research report prepared by an international consortium including the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

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From Busan to Mexico City

From Busan to Mexico City

At the first High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation on 15 and 16 April 2014 in Mexico City international stakeholders will review progress and identify further steps to improve development effectiveness.

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In June 2012, government leaders from around the world came together in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the first United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD).

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